Thursday, February 16, 2012


The first couple days in  Okinawa were a bit rainy, overcast, and cold. But eventually the sun peeked out - at least enough for me to get some sunburn.  

Not sure we ever found out what kind of trees these were. They had some sort of pineapple looking fruit in the shape of a soccer ball on them. 

It was windy but we were able to wear shorts! It was such a nice change from the winter weather we've been having in Tokyo.

The water was so clear it was beautiful! 



This was a little beach right by Alex's house. About a 15 minute walk.

Low tide

Walking barefoot probably wasn't the best idea because of all the coral and rocks but we did it anyways, since we forgot to pack flip-flops.

Not sure if someone lived here or if it was abandoned but it was a little house that was tucked in behind some trees right on the beach! 

At a different beach (more sandy, less coral-y) with Aya!

Sunny walk along the sea wall

This beach is right next to American Village in Okinawa.. about a 30 minute walk from Alex's house.

Look how clear the water is!

Quickest way around the beach was through the water!

Once you get away from all the touristy things and military bases you get a chance to notice that it really is pretty in Okinawa. Extremely touristy and so many places speak English and take American dollars, but it is pretty. It's definitely something more of a vacation destination, not sure if I could see myself living there full time... but it was such a fun place to visit!

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