Thursday, October 13, 2011

Musashi-Koyama Shotengai

My mom has been sending me emails full of random tidbits, things to do, places to visit, etc while I've in Japan. I do actually make an effort to read and do the things she tells me to do (like searching for my old house). The next thing on the list was to visit the Musashi-Koyama (two train stops away from my station) Shotengai. I had no idea what to expect but I managed to convince one of my friends to check it out with me one Sunday morning. We didn't spend too long there but we definitely plan to go back sometime. It's basically a flea market. As soon as you get out of the station, you see lots of people just sitting on tarps with what looks like all of their belongings for sale. Some people have suitcases full of clothes, old stuffed animals, shoes, just about anything goes. The Shotengai is actually a different section, it's covered and there are stores instead of people with tarps. I think the garage sale was only a Sunday thing.

baskets of stickers

Japanese flea market

I don't know if it's customary to bargain, but I just found it funny since she looks like she's praying.

meat on a stick! 

This is the shotengai part

These baby grapes are the tastiest things you'll ever eat (if you come to Japan)! I don't even know how to describe them. Unfortunately they are going out of season any day now and the prices are skyrocketing.. 525yen is about $7



Colonel Sanders getting ready for Halloween

1 comment:

  1. I love Musashikoyama Shotengai! Can't wait to shop there next month.
