Sunday, October 9, 2011

小石川後楽園 (こいしかわこらくえん) Koishikawa Korakuen

Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens is a famous garden in Japan, it is one of the oldest and best preserved parks in Tokyo. It's located in Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo if that means anything to you. There is a 300Yen entrance fee, it's open from 9 to 5, closed on certain holidays, and it was inaugurated as a garden on April 3, 1938. (The pamphlets are available in English!)  I'm not sure that we were visiting in the right season, but it was still very beautiful. On the pamphlet there is a flower calendar telling you what months to visit to best see certain plants in bloom. Very handy!

Tokyo Dome is the barely visible white bubble behind the trees. The other thing is a roller coaster.

Wish I could remember what the sign said about these steps, but I can't..

Ume Blossom grove

A replica of how one of the emperor's built an example of a rice paddy for his wife, so that she would know what one looked like. Some people get the Taj Mahal, some people get fake rice paddies.

You can see the reflection of an office building

Can't remember exactly what the sign said, something about how a famous person used to sit at these rocks and think..

 It's weird how you almost forget you're in a city when you walk through the garden, but then you look up.

This sign was posted nearly every few feet. We would see a building or a statue and walk up to a sign expecting to read some important fact about it but no. Instead we were just being informed that we were (still)  in a garden and must resist the urge to start a fire. 

This guy was hanging out at the entrance to the garden.

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