Sunday, March 4, 2012

Clubbing in Tokyo

The month of February has been a month full of dancing, laughing, more dancing, and even more laughing. We've been going out clubbing somewhat on a regular basis! I've never been clubbing in the States so I don't really have much to compare it to but I imagine it's a little different than clubbing in Tokyo. For starters, at certain clubs we are the only foreigners in there and the only ones making a fool of ourselves by dancing. Also, in Tokyo the trains stop running around midnight and don't start back up again until 5am. This can be a bit tricky since walking home isn't exactly an option. Basically, you are stuck out until the trains start up or you can pay an obscene amount for a taxi. We manage to stay out until the first train, but we are exhausted and the next day is typically an extremely lazy day of napping and watching movies.

We take the last train around midnight to get to wherever the clubs are.. usually Roppongi or Shibuya. By the time we make it to the club it's usually 12:30 or 1am so it's not too long of a night.

Goofing around in the train station - practicing our dance moves... this one is called 'the bernie'
it's from the movie Weekend at Bernie's.

There is a club in Roppongi that we have kind of accidentally become regulars at.. By that I mean we've been there at least twice. The entry for clubs is generally free for girls but it can be extremely pricey for guys (1000yen - 4000yen). So usually the only thing we girls spend money on is a train ticket to get there or drinks but those are usually expensive once you are in the club.

You might think that you are seeing a lot of similar outfits in these pictures just on different people... that's because you are. 

Quick Sidenote: I learned how to cornrow if anyone's interested.. 

One of the best things about clubbing is how goofy we act. We like to try out all the ridiculous dance moves such as the shopping cart, the sprinkler, the macarena, etc. I think because we are foreigners it seems like people mimic our dance moves.. Also the macarena did not hit it big in Japan. In fact, most people don't know it so we try to do it as often as we can. The other people in the club around us must think we are a girl band or something when we all break out the macarena and practice our dance routine.

The best thing about the clubs is when they have couches to sit on and take a break from all the dancing! Our breaks don't tend to last too long though - just enough to take a breather.

Can you spot the foreigners? A lot of the time we tend to try and take as many pictures of weirdo's as we can.. or just people we found funny at the time. In this picture, we were trying to capture the guy in the jean jacket with the samurai style haircut. Success!

Here we managed to capture Emelie mid-sneeze while a random Japanese guy 'photo-bombed' us. This also tends to happen a lot. I think I have more photo's with random strangers than I do with my own friends. 

Since we are foreigners we usually get some attention.. (especially the blondes!) Although I won't lie, it is kind of nice when you get invited into VIP sections or get offered free champagne. 

Another random Japanese guy in our photo. The thing about this guy is that we didn't notice him until we were looking through our photos the next day..

Most Japanese guys are shy and won't just come up and dance on you - which is nice. If they do make you uncomfortable though you can just say no and then they apologize profusely for bothering you. Another helpful thing to avoid being hit on is just pretending you don't speak the language. Any language.

There was a whore in this club! Just kidding. I'm about 80% sure that she was a dancer promoting at this club. I bet she didn't know the macarena dance..

The worst thing about going out clubbing is leaving the club at 4:50 to make it to the station to catch the first train. Everyone is exhausted, hungry, and cranky and since we switch out of heels to put on flats we just look a bit scrubby at the end of the night/beginning of the day.  It is fun though the next day is usually shot because of our tiredness. (but yes, mom, we are always careful and keep our wits about us.)

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