Wednesday, December 7, 2011

映画館! movie theatre!

ハードロマンチッカー (Hard Romantic-er) 

Went to see a movie today because I didn't have any classes, and also Wednesday is ladies day at the movie theatres! Normal student prices are about 1,500yen but on Wednesdays ladies get in for 1,000yen. Not too bad for a movie. The choices we had were an American film called ピザボーイ( Pizza Boy, but in English it's 30 Minutes or Less), a Japanese film, another Japanese film, and a bunch of other Japanese films. We decided to go for the film about the yakuza.. which turned out pretty much exactly how you expect a gangster film to be. You can kind of get an idea from the trailer... lots of violence. I think the thing that surprised us most is that a lot of it would have been edited out if it was shown in America. There was a lot of rape and a lot of women being beaten, but apart from all that though it was a good movie! It had a sad ending. We went with our Japanese friend who had to help explain some parts of it but for the most part I was able to understand the majority of the movie! Next time we decided a comedy might be better though.

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