Sunday, May 6, 2012

子供の日  Children's Day

The last big holiday during Golden Week is Children's Day on May 5th. This year's Children's Day holiday fell on a beautiful sunny Saturday - it rained most of this week so that was a welcome change! We went to a festival in Yoyogi Park to enjoy the sunshine and do some people watching.

Koinobori are traditionally hung up in homes of families with boys. They are Carp flags that look like they are swimming when they flap in the wind.. 

I thought this was a giant trampoline of sorts until we got a bit closer...

turns out it was a bubble/maze thing full of children! 

Children learning about solar energy! 

Ramen Burger... it's basically a soupy ramen flavored 'burger' except the bread bit is just fried noodles.

I swear some of the dog's in this city are more fashionable that I am - this dog's in jeans!

Hammocks for sale and for lounging... not sure where people go to hang up hammocks in Tokyo though.

This edgey looking man was screen printing some really cool designs onto t-shirts.


Never thought I'd see a horse while in Tokyo but there were even pony rides in the park on Children's Day! 

The rest of the park had a cluster of rummage sales! There was a lot of interesting things... shoes, clothes, books, suitcases, pottery, you name it!

My friend Caitlin has a Polaroid camera - she took a snapshot of the Koinobori. 

At the base of Tokyo Tower there were 333 carp flags hanging for the past month to pay homage to tsunami  disaster victims in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. It costs an arm and a leg to get out to Tokyo Tower but we figured it was worth a look and it was actually really nice so I'm glad we went! 

All of us in front of the tower/under the carp

Emelie, Sophie, and I ended up going home before it got dark but the rest of the gang stuck around for the night view of the carp near Tokyo Tower.

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