Wednesday, December 7, 2011

スポーツ大会! Sports Event!

Some of the buddies organized a special sports event where we all got together and played sports. The sports we chose to play were volleyball, and then we switched to basketball. When you think about it, volleyball isn't exactly a 'pick up' type of game, a lot of planning needs to go into that one.. but it was fun anyways since only a handful of people actually knew the rules of volleyball. After everyone sufficiently bruised their arms and wrists, we switched to playing basketball.

Those of us who were terrible at basketball decided to do cartwheels and gymnastics and leapfrog races.

After awhile we also started spinning around as fast as we could and then tried to walk on a straight line. We all ended up falling over, it was a lot of fun!

We also played airplane..

Here's a shot of us actually participating in some sports.. sort of. 

more spinning!

It was a lot of fun, the gym at our school is very big, two basketball courts. There are Kendo rooms near the gym where the kids who do Kendo were starting to warm up... I don't know to much about Kendo but the warm involves a lot of crazy loud shouting. It was very intimidating to hear them!

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