Wednesday, August 31, 2011

long day of traveling

I am so tired of sitting. I want to stretch out and run and frolic but it's 9o'clock at night in Tokyo and I'm in a hotel somewhere near the airport. My day started around 6am this morning (east coast time) scrambling trying to make sure I had everything ready to go! I think I do.. either way I'll find out sooner or later. I took off from Atlanta at 10:45am and arrived in sunny Los Angeles at 12:30pm (west coast time). I was stuck in the international terminal, which had limited food options for a couple hours and then the real fun began! I took a regular old Delta flight to California, but the second flight was on Singapore Airlines and my plane was an Airbus 380.. This thing was huge. here's a youtube video for it
All the flight attendants wear these beautiful long dresses that in no way resemble american stewardess uniforms, as soon as everyone is seated they walk around offering hot towels, headphones, and the menu for the flight. Once we were in the air they offer the beverages and a snack (I'll be honest, I was disappointed when I was handed my little packet of peanuts) but little did I know that was only the snack to tide you over before they give you the real snack. They real snacks were red bean paste buns, tuna sandwich, assorted biscuits, chocolate bar, or yogurt. After snacktime I took a nap, and woke up to my first meal being served (Japanese curry rice, something pickled and a stale dinner role, but for dessert I got a mini-pint of Ben and Jerry's!) After this meal I started to get antsy. In the top corner of the TV screen it showed the time in Los Angeles, the time it was in Japan, and how much longer until we got there. I watched another movie, took another nap, read some of my book, and the time just dragged on. Eventually I was served another meal, pasta and I think the meat was shrimp, with a not so stale piece of bread on the side. I nibbled at this meal and fell back asleep, I woke up to the captain announcing that we were only 40 minutes away. The flight attendants starting making announcements about what to do in order to land and what to do once we got there, in my groggy state and their weird English it was hard for me to figure out what they were saying but I managed to piece it together, and I just followed the crowd to the immigration and customs part of the airport.
That wasn't too bad, I got my luggage and had to find the shuttle bus to the airport hotel. I took some pictures of the hotel, I'll try and put them up a little later.

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